Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, August 13, 2017. Neighbors are fed up by the Red Car Property owner's failure to pick up the debris left behind after the squatters vacated their camp. These photos and email (excerpted here) are from one of many concerned neighbors contacted CD13 and LAPD. "Someone slept again last night on the old Red Car squatters encampment -
I know because they left a new red blanket and new trash (see pics)."
The camp was established by a couple of squatters, mid-June. Neighbors reported it immediately and constantly for the past few months to CD13 and LAPD. A few weeks ago, neighbors reported the camp abandoned by the couple of squatters who had been driving a white car to and from their camp near Rose Scharlin Nursery School on a daily basis.
Neighbors raised the concern that so much debris left behind will only attract new inhabitants. "Does the owner really want to leave an open invitation for squatters to come live, sleep, and trash his property?"
Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, August 13, 2017. Pictured here: dry brush right next to the campsite. Neighbors continue raising the alarm over brush clearance. Out of self-interest, a few neighbors cleared some of the slopes near their own homes. "I see the [brush] clearance is still not completed, or even started
(Rose Scharlin did their own hill themselves rather than wait)."
Considering the number of cigarette butts discarded in and around the camp, neighbors are justified in their alarm. "This is a danger to the whole neighborhood, especially with smoking squatters sleeping there." The neighbor continues, "Does our whole neighborhood have to go up in flames before someone enforces the Brush Clearance ordinance!?! Has LAFD even inspected this negligent property that is putting our neighborhood at risk for a catastrophic fire?" Yes, LAFD has cited the owner several times this year.
Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, August 13, 2017. Adding insult to injury, last night's homeless left new bags of trash.
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Note: We're playing catch up for the month of August. This was post was actually published 8-26-17 and backdated to the date the photos were shot and originally published on Twitter.