Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Red Car Property: "Broken Windows" Attract Homeless Camp

Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, June 27, 2017.  A bunch of railroad ties have been collecting behind a home on Riverside Place near Rose Scharlin Co-op Nursery School.  Whether this is a failed home improvement project or just plain illegal dumping, it's an eyesore and a fire hazard.  (Click on photos to enlarge.)
Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, June 27, 2017.  For several weeks, neighbors have been calling and emailing CD13's Hector Vega and the LAPD, asking them to enforce the no trespassing order.  Neighbors are concerned about the fire risk on the property yet to be cleared of dry brush.  
Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, June 27, 2017.  Yes, that's a pile of dried out bamboo screening atop a mattress beneath a large umbrella and other debris hidden daily by the squatters on the Red Car Property.
Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, June 27, 2017.  Let's see, what came first, the dumping or the homeless camp.  If you said the dumping, you're right.  Although, it does appear some of the railroad ties have been moved around and some brush clearance adjacent to the fence was done since Saturday.
Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor June 22, 2017.  LAPD has long advocated fixing the "broken windows" in neighborhoods because it only gets worse, attracting new problems as time goes on.  This activity is occurring on the Red Car Property.  Neighbors have done their part reporting it to authorities. CD13 notified the Red Car Property owner as soon as they began receiving complaints from multiple neighbors, two weeks ago.  The property owner has failed to do brush clearance, failed to restrict vehicle access to the property and failed to remove the squatters from the property.  It's up to the Red Car Property owner to take responsibility for what occurs on the property.

Neighbors should call the police 1-877-ASK-LAPD and report suspicious activity on the Red Car Property.  You will need to remind them there is a no trespassing order on file with  LAPD Northeast.  You will also need to describe how to get there.  For instance, this site is on the Red Car Property SOUTH of India Street between the end of Riverside Place and Rose Scharlin Nursery School. 

Send your questions, comments and complaints about the Red Car Property to CD13's