Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, August 11, 2017. LAFD Brush Inspector Perez, CD13's Hector Vega met the Red Car Property Owner and his son, at the Corralitas end of the Red Car Property. In no uncertain terms Inspector Perez instructed to do the brush clearance and remove fire hazards like dumping and abandoned homeless debris. According to CD13's Vega, the owner said it would be done next week.
Worth noting in this photo: the green slope directly above the cul-de-sac, is the southbound 2 Freeway. November 30, 2016, a car flew off the freeway and crashed onto Corralitas Drive. CalTrans merely replaced the damaged guardrail, rather than extend the guardrail further south. After the 2016 fire, CalTrans removed all the trees that prevented cars from landing on the street or on the Red Car Property.
CalTrans has not seen the need for even temporary K-rails to prevent cars from flying off the freeway. The guard rail is there to protect the overhead sign across the southbound lanes, not to protect neighbors. A chain link fence is at the bottom of the hill.
Note: We're playing catch up for the month of August. This was post was actually published 8-24-17 and backdated to the date the photo was shot and originally published on Twitter.