Photo: Corralitas Neighbor, August 22, 2017. A neighbor was pruning plumbago, felt something on her leg. She thought it was the cat, until it reached her thigh. It was a 3" long, green Praying Mantis.
Photo: Corralitas Neighbor, August 22, 2017. Later, the neighbor opened the green bin and a tan mantis popped out.
Photo: Corralitas Neighbor, August 22, 2017. The neighbor scooped up the mantis and placed it on a nearby bush so it wouldn't get run over by a car. It too, looked to be about 3".
Photo: Corralitas Neighbor, August 22, 2017. The tan mantis was a better model the the green mantis.
Click here for all our neighborhood praying mantis posts.
See also: Unusal Bugs
This was post was actually published 10-16-17 and backdated to the date the photos were shot and originally published on Twitter. Click on the photo dates for original tweets.