Photo: 1904. Curve north of India St. Red Car trolley stop. (Click on photo to enlarge.)

Photo: Diane Edwardson, August 2003. Curve north of India St. (Click on photo to enlarge.)
The slope north of India on the Red Car Property has always been a crumbly one. Enlarge the 1904 photo to see the pile of rocks to the right of the tracks. It is likely they were recently cleared from the tracks. Anyone who walks the property regularly can witness rocks tumbling down without warning.
It is the same slope a neighbor has been digging into with a backhoe, so he can park his large vehicles on the Red Car Property.
In 2003, the slope was included as an "open space lot" in a developer's proposal for 75 homes on the Red Car Property. The County assessor's maps identify the lot as "Lot C." Could it be "C" for crap?