Monday, August 13, 2012

Neighbors Take Action: Don't Let This Happen To The Red Car Property

Photo: Diane Edwardson, June 26, 2012.  Developers cut down nearly 4 acres** of urban forest next to the 2 Freeway to grade the Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract (as seen from Corralitas Drive).  (Click on photo to enlarge.)

Upon learning the Red Car Property is once again for sale, neighbors began emailing City Councilmember Eric Garcetti to oppose development and support park acquisition.  Here's what one 30+ year resident of Corralitas Drive had to say about the Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract:

"My heart has already been broken by the development that YOU have allowed at Allesandro and Rosebud that has turned a beautifully natural hillside* into ...well ... a graded, treeless eyesore.* A few houses on the naturally sloping property would have been welcomed by me, but to allow what has been done is downright SHAMELESS!"

The same neighbor, who does believe in property rights, continues regarding the Red Car Property:

"I plead with you ... DON"T RUIN MY HOOD by allowing this crazy plan to continue. Also, do the developer a favor and act quickly so as to not have him waste his funds on this ill conceived project. The city could use his efforts ... ELSEWHERE!"

Send an email to Garcetti (who is running for mayor) and copy us here at the Red Car Blog  Ask Garcetti to SAVE the Red Car Property: oppose development of the property and support acquisition as a park.

*Links added to illustrate the neighbor's point; they did not appear in the original email.

**Correction 8-17-12: An earlier version of this story stated nearly 6 acres of urban forest was cut down; the correct number is nearly 4 acres.  We apologize for the mistake.