Thursday, August 9, 2012

Red Car Property: Not A Park, It Just Looks Like One

Photo: Diane Edwardson, April 3, 2011.  Families have been using the Red Car Property as a safe place to play for decades.  (Click on photo to enlarge.)

Red Car Property neighbors are sending email to City Councilmember Eric Garcetti, asking him to oppose development and preserve our last narrow bit of open space in an already crowded neighborhood.  I was cc'd on the following email from a student at Rose Scharlin Co-op Nursery School.  

Dear Council Member Garcetti,

My name is [M.]*. I am 4 years old. I like to play in the pretty green valley near my preschool. We take a walk there with my mommy so my baby sister can fall asleep. I pick flowers and pet dogs. We go on nature walks with Teacher Gilbert. There is a mushroom garden that my teacher says I can look at but no touching. We saw a hawk there once.

Please don't let it go away.

*Name removed for privacy. Email used with permission of M.'s mother.

Send an email to Ask him to oppose any plan for subdivision or zone change of the Red Car Property.  Urge him to support acquisition of the Red Car Property as permanent public parkland.