Thursday, August 2, 2012

Red Car Property: All Together Now

Photo: Diane Edwardson, 2010.  Red Car Canyon Lake.  (Click on photos to enlarge.)

Monday, July 30, 2012, two neighbors and I, who have led the community on Red Car Property issues since 1992, met with the realtor representing the Red Car Property’s owner. The realtor requested the meeting.

I feel obligated to write this to my neighbors and the community at large, so my actions are not misrepresented to you, potential buyers or politicians. I was required to sign a confidentiality agreement to view the realtor’s sales package, agreeing not share the “concept plans” with the media.

I neither agreed nor disagreed to work with the realtor. The “concept plan” in the realtor’s sales package is a fantasy sales pitch without technical basis in reality. They could have drawn a picture of the property with a 200 story skyscraper surrounded by a lagoon, on paper.

I strongly advised the realtor to speak with my contact at the Trust for Public Land (TPL). If there is a chance for acquisition by a public parks agency, TPL would take the lead in negotiations.

The realtor’s actions seem contrived to panic the neighborhood. We’ve been down this road before with so many developers in the past 20 years.  Please be assured that we will keep working toward acquisition of the Red Car Property as a park.

For more than 30 years, developers have tried and failed to develop the Red Car Property.

We appreciate all the Red Car Property neighbors who have supported our efforts and continue to present a united front through the years. Be assured that we are organizing.  We will continue to fight out of scale development and work to acquire and preserve the Red Car Property as a park. 

Watch this blog for important news.

Diane Edwardson
22 year resident
20 year community leader

Photo: Diane Edwardson, 2012. City of Los Angeles Cultural Historic Landmark #770; Pacific Electric Red Car Viaduct Footings.

Photo: Diane Edwardson, 2012.  Developers go home!