Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Public Staircases: Maintenance Issues

Photo: Diane Edwardson, May 27, 2010. Native Morning Glories and non-native foxtails from in the foot-wide cracks in the Corralitas Public Staircase. (Click on photo to enlarge.)

In the Red Car Property neighborhood, the more open, visible and widely used the public staircase; the more neglected it is. The more hidden and narrow public staircases are cleaner and safer feeling. Neighbors of the narrower staircases take a more active role in keeping them clean.

The Corralitas, Waverly and portions of the Silver Lake Ave. (between Lake View and Riverside Place) Public Staircases are in the worst condition, needing structural repair, sandblasting to remove graffiti paint-over paint and weed abatement.

In 2002-2003, the City did a complete survey of citywide public staircases, grading the conditions of each. Local staircases, high on the priority list of needing concrete, and, or structural repairs include: Waverly came in 7th; Hidalgo, 8th; Corralitas, 16th; Silver Lake Ave., 54th. 222 public staircases were on the list.

Since 2006, the well-documented Corralitas Pits of Doom contributed to the deterioration of the Corralitas Public Staircase, despite a partial repair of one landing.

Tomorrow, we'll look at who is responsible for public staircase maintenance.