Photo: Diane Edwardson, Spring 2003. 18-Acre Elysian Park Parcel.
The 18 Acre Parcel of Elysian Park, fronting on Riverside Drive between Allesandro and Stadium Way, was acquired in the 1990s using Prop K money. For more on the history of this parcel, see #3 under "Legacy of Failed Development."
The 18 Acre Parcel is the only portion of Elysian Park that is safely accessible by pedestrians from Elysian Valley, Corralitas Red Car Neighborhood and Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract. Our neighborhoods cannot safely access the rest of Elysian Park on foot because there are no sidewalks on Stadium Way. Click here for map.
The environmental review for the park development is finally available on the Rec & Parks website. Deadline for public comment is 3PM October 19, 2009.
The City is hosting a community meeting to review the plans:
Wed., September 30, 2009
Location: Dickerson Employee Benefits
1918 Riverside Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90039
Info: CD 13 Deputy, Alejandra Marroquin
(323) 957-4500