Friday, October 27, 2017
Rose Scharlin Nursery School: Hullabaloo Saturday October 28, 2017
Rose Scharlin Co-op Nursery School is a Red Car Property neighbor since 1946. They're hosting their annual children's Halloween Party Saturday, October 28, 2017, 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
According to the flyer and their outreach to the neighborhood, the school will secure a "no parking/loading zone" directly in front of the school for the day of the party. There is NO PARKING on the Red Car Property. The school did the same thing for the past couple of years. According to neighbors, it is a better system than the mayhem that used to ensue from the parking situation on Lake View and the Red Car Property. (The Red Car Property is not a park, nor a public roadway. It is private property.)
Please remember to SLOW DOWN while driving the neighborhood as there will be many more children than usual on the neighborhood streets.
If you live within walking distance of Rose Scharlin and have children in heading for preschool in the coming years, we strongly encourage you to consider sending your kids to Rose Scharlin. Until the 2000's, it was a true neighborhood nursery school, with only a few parents dropping off kids by car. We'd like to see a majority of neighbors join the Rose Scharlin Family again.
After a lapse of 28 years, the school secured their Conditional Use Permit for Rose Scharlin. It was issued by City Planning February 1, 2017.
City Planning Esoterica,
Rose Scharlin