Friday, October 23, 2015

Lake View Ave: No Parking For A Loading Zone, Saturday October 24, 2015, Rose Scharlin's Halloween Hullaballoo

Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, October 22, 2015.  The City Dept of Transportation (DOT) posted No Parking 12 PM to 9 PM, Saturday Only, along the entire street frontage of Rose Scharlin Co-Op Nursery School, a total of 7 parking spaces on Lake View Ave.  (Click on photos to enlarge.) 

The school obtained a temporary no parking permit from the DOT for the street in front of their property, as any property owner can do.  

There is no parking allowed on the Red Car Property.  The Red Car Property is not a park, nor is it a public roadway.  It is private property. 
Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, October 22, 2015.  Parking is only allowed on the east side of Lake View Ave, a designated Hillside Steet. Rose Scharlin is on the east side of the street.  Many homes in our neighborhood, built in the 1920s and 1930s, were built with just one off-street parking space.

Joy Pae, current board president of Rose Scharlin, explained in an email, setting aside the street adjacent the school's property was the best way to alleviate truck traffic during deliveries and, "During the event, that area will be used for drop off and pick up to encourage people to use services like Uber and to drop off their families then park farther away such as on Allesandro and Riverside."  

Pae will don a witch's hat and monitor the front of the school during the event to help keep things moving on Lake View.