Wednesday, November 30, 2016

2 Freeway & Corralitas Drive: Demolished Guardrail, Chain Link Fence, Scattered Oil & Auto Parts Leave Neighbors Scratching Heads

Photo: November 30, 2016, Corralitas Neighbor.   Neighbors arrived home from work this evening to find the small 50' guardrail on the southbound lanes of the 2 Freeway absolutely demolished.  (Click on photos to enlarge.)
Photo: Corralitas Neighbor November 30, 2016.  The railing is wrapped completely around the pole, almost all of the wooden support posts were broken and scattered around the slope and Corralitas Drive below.
Photo: Corralitas Neighbor, November 30, 2016. Surmising from the flow of dirt, oil and auto parts, neighbors suspected a vehicle had flown off the freeway at high speeds, and with no large trees to stop the out of control vehicle, it crashed through the flimsy chain link fence at the base of the steep slope and landed on Corralitas Drive. 
Photo: Corralitas Neighbor, November 30, 2016.  Whatever crashed through the fence showed the inadequacy of the 50' guardrail.  The neighbor who sent these photos, also sent them to the CalTrans representatives, who, for the past several months, failed to respond to the neighbor's request for even the most temporary of barriers, concrete K-Rails or Jersey Barriers.  He was grateful neither his nor his neighbors' kids were in the street at the time of the crash.
Photo: Corralitas Neighbor, November 30, 2016.  Debris from the wreckage was on both sides of the fence, including a some that damaged one neighbor's car.  You can still see motor oil in the storm drain inlet at the front of the car's tire. 

Another neighbor emailed me inquiring about the aforementioned, as well as a large puddle of oil in the middle of the street, near her driveway.  Needless to say, neighbors were taking photos and asking questions before the sun went down.  More to follow.

Note: CalTrans removed trees it deemed as unsafe after the June 19, 2016 Silver Lake Fire.  This summer, I had several conversations with CalTrans representatives where, among other topics, I requested K-rails.  On multiple occasions, and despite their awareness of my documentation of the the removed trees stopping cars from flying off the freeway in 2015: both said the safety of the motorists on the freeway was their only concern, not the safety of the adjacent residents or users of city streets. -DE