Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Red Car Property: Becoming Less Park-Like Every Day

Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, September 17, 2016.  The developer of 13 lots on Riverside Drive left not only a denuded hillside, grading and further taking out trees on the downslope side of the Red Car Property, but also deposited a giant tree stump pulled out of the ground and left on the Red Car Property.  (Click on photos to enlarge.)
Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, September 17, 2016.  Earlier in the day, neighbors sounded the alarm when the backhoe was digging right up against the protected Coast Live Oak Tree's trunk.  The Red Car Property line is 20 - 30 feet downslope from the flat part of the Red Car Property.  Clearly,  the Riverside Drive developer moved earth around, well beyond the rear property of the Riverside Drive lots.  

By the end of the day Saturday, concrete posts (reinforced with rebar) that marked the property lines since the dawn of the Big Red Car Trolleys (1905) had disappeared.
Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, September 17, 2016.  Looking in the opposite direction from the oak tree, things are even more bleak.  We'll take a closer look at those trees in coming days.   Here too, the property line is 20 to 30 feet downslope. But the slope has been changed significantly so who knows where the line is anymore.