Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Corralitas Drive: It's That Time Of Year, Raccoons In The Rubber Trees

Photo: Diane Edwardson, September 27, 2014.  A very large raccoon was way up in the rubber tree eating the tiny figs that are dropping like rain in the yard these days.  (Click on photo to enlarge.)

Wildlife can't resist the fruit of the rubber tree.  At night, raccoons, rats & opossums are up in the trees, while the skunks forage on the ground below.  By day, all manner of birds, including parrots, make a stop for the tasty & abundant fruit they can't seem to get enough of (but there is still plenty of fruit on the ground that has to be swept up daily).

Disclaimer: The Corralitas Red Car Property Blog prefers to quote reliable sources, such as CalFlora and California Poison Control on the issue of toxicity.  We often get email suggesting some plants are edible. If you are eating your way through the Red Car Property, we DO NOT recommend you eat any plant you find in the Red Car Property neighborhood without first doing your own research.