The red car (in the above photo) is on the northbound 2 Freeway. CalTrans has been saying there is not enough room for both trees & sound walls. If the 12' to 14' tall sound wall is at the top of the slope, there's a lot of space between the existing retaining wall for nothing but ivy. The retaining wall will remain on Allesandro Street.
It will also create the effect of a 30' tall wall between Whitmore & Rosebud because of the offset of the retaining wall & sound wall. CalTrans will only plant ivy on the Allesandro St side of the wall. Homes on the Silver Lake side of the 2 Freeway will have a lovely view of a sound wall instead of a wall of trees.

Photo: Diane Edwardson, April 13, 2013. CalTrans will build a sound wall between Oak Glen & either El Moran or Rosebud on Allesandro Street as a part of the 2 Terminus Redesign Project. All the trees would be cut down in the parkway, about 4/10ths of a mile. Only ivy would be planted once the sound wall was built.
Sound walls have been removed from all other portions of the plan except between Oak Glen & Rosebud on Allesandro St.
Photo: Diane Edwardson, April 8, 2013. If the sound wall comes all the way to Rosebud, again, the question is where will it go on the slope? It seems that CalTrans isn't exploring better alternatives for the health effects of living next to freeways. Why not use a combination of sound walls with dense trees if sound walls are necessary?
We're already the center of not only the Tri-Hipster Area, but also the Tri-Gang Area when it comes to graffiti vandals.
CalTrans & Metro will hold a community meeting tomorrow to update the public with the latest news.
State Route 2 Freeway Terminus Redesign Update
sponsored by Metro/CalTrans
sponsored by Metro/CalTrans
Thursday, June 13, 2013
6 - 8 PM
2414 Mayberry St
Silver Lake , 90026
info: (213) 922-3010
We've written about the sound walls in the 2 Freeway Terminus Plan since 2009.