Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Corralitas Drive: Sweet Almond Blossoms

Photo: Diane Edwardson, February 6, 2013.  Early every February, bees go nuts for the smell of cherry filling the air, as a neighbor's trees explode with pinkish flowers.  (Click on photos to enlarge.)
I always thought they were cherry blossoms.  Last year, another neighbor corrected me, saying she thought they were almond, because the fruit wasn't the right shape, despite the fragrance. I missed the bloom last year, so this year I remembered to look up the photos. 
Photo: Diane Edwardson, February 6, 2013. Since early February is usually our stormiest time of year, the bloom often only lasts a few days.  This year it has already been a few weeks.  Enjoy it while it lasts! 
Eat at your own risk: 
CalFlora says the escaped cultivar's seeds (Prunus dulcis) are majorly toxic.  Wiki says wild almonds are toxic; domesticated almonds are not.
Disclaimer: The Corralitas Red Car Property Blog prefers to quote reliable sources, such as CalFlora and California Poison Control on the issue of toxicity. We often get email suggesting some plants are edible. If you are eating your way through the Red Car Property, we DO NOT recommend you eat any plant you find in the Red Car Property neighborhood without first doing your own research.