Saturday, April 28, 2012

Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract: Definitely 3 Baby Red Tailed Hawks

Video: Gary Vlahakis, April 28, 2012.  This morning's video shows one of the adults definitely feeding 3 fluffy white chicks.  (Best viewed full screen.)

Just over a year ago, we began documenting the same nesting pair of Red Tailed Hawks.  They may be the same pair that nested on Corralitas Drive in 2005

With the recent (nearly 4-acre) deforestation of the controversial 16-lot subdivision in the Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract, we hope we're not documenting the demise of this family over the next few months.  The nest is less than 100' from the development site, where grading and hauling begin next week.

All our hawk related posts
Cornell Lab of Ornithology