Photo: Jonthan Vandiveer, April 18, 2012. It's legal for them to operate the bulldozer before 8AM, M-F, because we failed to scrutinize the conditions on the haul route closely.
Nor did we pay close attention to the language used in the haul route permits - which should cover all vehicle traffic to and from the site. However, the language used in the permit only included hauling earth to and from the site between 9AM -4PM, M-F. We were too busy with land use, grading, native trees, ADA accessibility, trail access and wildlife to scrutinize final language of short term construction impacts to the extent we should have.
If you're not getting paid to fight these things, it takes a stronger core of community involvement to address ALL the issues adequately with each project. (We did a damn good job, it's not our fault we have a City then bends over for developers. Start paying attention now - we're electing a new City Councilmember and Mayor next year.)
Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract suffered from its isolation and went largely unnoticed because it had a mature urban forest on it. No one realized how large the site was until they cut down all the trees. Suddenly, neighbors who couldn't be bothered to send an email during the appeal process in 2009, wanted to know what they could do to stop the rape of the land. Answer - pay attention when we sound the alarm next time.
There's always a next time. See: Legacy of Failed Development