Friday, March 9, 2012

Glendale Blvd: DWP Project's Particulate Matter Causing Health Problems For Neighbors

Photo: Diane Edwardson, February 9, 2012.  After months of the DWP failing to control the particulate matter while working the River Supply Conduit has the DWP taken some measures to control the airborne particulate matter.  Neighbors say it's not enough. Read more in the LA Times. (Click on photos to enlarge.)
Photo: Jerome Courshon, February 25, 2012.  Inadequate covering of dirt piles does not keep the dirt from blowing in the wind.   

We'll talk more about the dangers of particulate matter over the week ahead.  Communities are becoming more aware of the serious health risks involved with construction sites, freeways and rail yards.  Neighbors are demanding accountability from developers, AQMD, City Planning, Building & Safety, DWP, Metrolink and elected officials.