Thursday, April 28, 2011

18 Acre Elysian Park Parcel: Ribbon Cutting

Photo: Diane Edwardson, April 28, 2011.  City Council President Eric Garcetti introduced longtime activists, Christine Peters, the outgoing current and recently re-elected** President of the Citizens Committee to Save Elysian Park (CCSEP) and Cecilia Dominguez, Elysian Valley Neighborhood Council, while kids frolicked on the new playground.  (Click on photo to enlarge.)

**Corrected - thanks to a CCSEP boardmember.
Photo: Diane Edwardson, April 28, 2011.  Former City Councilmember and State Assemblymember Jackie Goldberg joined Garcetti and community members from Elysian Valley and Echo Park for the ribbon cutting. (Click on photo to enlarge.)
The 18 Acre park site was once at risk for becoming a Foodcraft Coffee warehouse.  CCSEP fought the proposal as far back as 1989.  Goldberg was City Councilmember for the area when the site was acquired with Prop K funding in the 1990s.   
Photo: Diane Edwardson, April 28, 2011.  Unlike the Silver Lake Reservoir Meadow, dogs on leash are allowed on the 18 Acre Elysian Park Annex.  Always pick up after your dogs!  (Click on photo to enlarge.)
Photo: Diane Edwardson, April 28, 2011.  The basketball court closest to Riverside Drive always seems to be in use.  Rec & Parks took down the construction fence, leaving no fence behind the backboards to keep balls and kids out of Riverside Drive.  Last week, I brought this to the attention of CD13 deputy Alejandra Marroquin, who walked a Rec & Parks rep down to the site to address the potential disaster.  (Click on photo to enlarge.)
Photo: Diane Edwardson, April 28, 2011.  Lupines and California Poppies attract large bumble bees to the slope facing Riverside Drive.  (Click on photo to enlarge.)