Photo: Bruce Wojcik, 1942. The Red Car Trolley crossed the Fletcher Viaduct, above Currie's Ice Cream Shop at Riverside & Fletcher Drives. (Click on photo to enlarge to see the giant ice cream cone on the corner.)
For years, I've had numerous requests from people who grew up in the area, for photos of Currie's Ice Cream Shop, "Home of the Mile-High Cone." Everyone had fond memories of riding the Red Car and having ice cream at Currie's. The type of email I receive on Curries is similar to the comments found on a 2006 post on The Peopletron Focus.
I am grateful to Richard Wojcik, who emailed his brother's 1942 photo of Currie's with a Red Car Trolley crossing the Fletcher Viaduct. Wojcik discovered us through Los Angeles Historian Photoblog.
HOME Restaurant (previously, Rudolpho's) now sits on the former site of Currie's at the corner of Fletcher and Riverside Drives.
If you have old family photos of the Red Car Neighborhood (see map), please share them with us: