At today's City Council Planning & Land Use Management Committee (PLUM), the hearing was continued until April 28, 2009. May 8, 2009 is the date for a vote at the full City Council.
Last week City Planning issued another reconsideration of the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) with public comment open until April 20, 2009. Case Number ENV-2005-9337-MND, for 2400 Allesandro. City Planning contends the Rim of the Valley Trail Corridor does not go through the site. However a check of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy map would suggest otherwise.
This month, we're taking a close-up view of the natural beauty of our neighborhood. All Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract photographs published on the Corralitas Red Car Property Blog in March 2009, are of plants growing on the 3 large lots destined for destruction, if a developer gains final approval of his proposed subdivision.