Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Neighbor Abuses The Red Car Property

Photo: August 3, 2008. (Click on photo to enlarge.)

At least one neighbor has abused the Red Car Property for years, parking large, formerly CalTrans equipment on the Red Car Property just north of India. Now he's undermining one of the most unstable, crumbly slopes on the property by using his mini-backhoe (photos below), just so he can have more room to park his large vehicles on the Red Car Property illegally.

Photo: August 3, 2008. (Click on photo to enlarge.)

While the cut into the slope does not seem like much in the photos, it is actually about eight feet tall. He's taken out at least three dump-truckloads of earth already. Several neighbors have reported the activity to Building & Safety as well as City Councilmember Eric Garcetti's (CD13) office. Building & Safety ordered him to stop digging into the slope over a month ago. As of last Sunday, he persists in earth removal. Today, CD13 confirmed a geo-technical engineer would investigate since, combined with the area's history and healthy tree falling down on Monday, slope stability is a genuine concern.

Photo: August 3, 2008. (Click on photo to enlarge.)