Photo: Corralitas Neighbor, October 16, 2017. It (same rodent as first photo) looks like a tree rat, also called a roof rat. However, it lacks the white belly and chest. Norway rats have small ears lower on their head. Verdict: tree rat, A.K.A. roof rat. 
Photo: Corralitas Neighbor August 19, 2017. You'll often see tree rats as trained rats on TV because they are cuter than Norway Rats. This one was an earlier tree rat kill. The owner quickly distracts the cat(s) with cat treats so the kill can be quickly disposed of, rather than allowing the cat to eat the kill. Almost all rats and mice have some level of poison in their system. 
Rats can live for up to 18 months with poison in their systems. The poison travels up the food chain and it can cause serious health problems for the predator.
Photo: Corralitas Neighbor, October 21, 2017. This is definitely a mouse.
Talk to your neighbors - if you live in the hills - everyone has rat stories. Some of us just document them.
If there is a construction site nearby, be sure they are disposing of their trash in a covered container as they are required by the municipal code. Rats already like construction and remodelling sites, because they gain entry to a house. Open trash piles and open trash cans make it easy for them to feed close to shelter.