Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, November 18, 2016. Neighbors are still wondering is this is a part of the sewer replacement project going on in the area. (Click on photos to enlarge.)
Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, November 18, 2016. Multiple generators, large trucks and a backhoe are all parked right up against dead and dying trees in Red Car Canyon between Corralitas, Lake View Ave and Riverside Place. We sent these photos Friday to CD13 and LAFD Brush Unit.
Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, November 18, 2016. Neighbors on top of Corralitas Drive complained their windows were vibrating while the "Hammerhead" was in use. It was parked on Riverside Place. One neighbor even recorded the sound because it was so loud.
Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, November 18, 2016. It looks like the front of the hose is a high pressure nozzle rather than dig by hand or backhoe to lay pipe.
However, this is just speculation since we've not been able to confirm anything associated with this project.