Wednesday, April 22, 2015

2 Freeway: Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Hawk Nest Active Again

Photo: Gary Vlahakis, April 21, 2015, 4:24 PM.  We've seen this behavior before.  An adult Red Tailed Hawk was perched on the edge of the nest, making eye contact with something in the nest.  It appears babies have hatched.  (Click on photo to enlarge.)

I'd noticed this adult Red Tail hanging standing on the nest at the corner of Allesandro St and Rosebud for the past week in the late afternoons.  I shot some photos too, but the photos need further review, as it appears the hawk is tearing up prey for it's babies. 

We'll be on watch to confirm chicks in the nest.  But we've documented this behavior before.  

CalTrans starts noisy work on the 2 Freeway sound walls tomorrow night.