Sunday, March 3, 2013

Red Car Property: Migrating Chair, Mail Theft

Photo: Diane Edwardson, March 2, 2013.  A neighbor dragged a chair from the canyon(in the background) into the open of the Corralitas end of the Red Car Property.  (Click on photo to enlarge.)
Photo: Diane Edwardson, February 24, 2013.  A week ago, neighbors discovered the chair tucked in behind the jade in Red Car Canyon, below homes on Corralitas Drive.  Neighbors wondered how the chair arrived here since it would take a lot of effort to dump it back in the canyon.
Twice last week, a Riverside Place neighbor dragged the chair into the middle of the middle of the canyon to discourage illicit activity.  The first day, the neighbor discovered a bag of stolen mail from India St & Riverside Terrace, including a box of brand new checks some of the mail had been opened.  The neighbor picked up the mail and called the LAPD.  The police told her it was not their problem unless she witnessed someone actually stealing mail.  They told her to call the post office.  The neighbor brought the bag of mail to the Atwater 90039 post office and made a report. 
The next day, the chair was back up behind the jade again and  the neighbor found more mail, this time from Riverside Place.  Again the neighbor called the post office, and the chair began the migration south on the Red Car Property. 
Keep an eye on your neighbors' mailboxes and don't let your mail sit in the mailbox.  LAPD recommends a locked mailbox or a renting a Post Office box.  If you can, have packages delivered to your work address or during times when you will be home.