Photo: Diane Edwardson, July 17, 2012. The City gave notice on July 16 for brush clearance on the 3 lots north of, but not including the really bad problem lot that many neighbors have been expressing concern about for almost 8 months. (Click on photo to enlarge.)
The problem is the City Department of Lot Cleaning has jurisdiction over vacant Hillside lots in the Northeast, not the Fire Dept., unlike Los Feliz or the Hollywood Hills where the LAFD has jurisdiction over the vacant lots.
Enforcement of brush clearance standards are unfair in Silver Lake, Echo Park, Glassell Park, Mt Washington, El Sereno, Hermon, Monterey Heights, etc, where the homeowners have to (justifiably) clear their brush to LAFD standards, but the City only enforces brush clearance on vacant lot owners if the neighbors bitch constantly about it.