Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lake View Ave: 6 Weeks After Windstorm, Neighbors Frustrated With Pile Of Debris*

Photo: Red Car Property Neighbor, January 17, 2012.  A pile of debris has been sitting in the 2300 block of Lake View Ave since the December 1, 2011 windstorm.  (Click on photo to enlarge.)

Red Car Property neighbors often contact me when they can't achieve things through the normal City channels (and I don't get paid for this).  Neighbors have been calling 311 and City Street Services trying to get this pile hauled away for weeks. 

Since there are no City street trees on Lake View, a supervisor in the Dept of Urban Forestry told one neighbor today: the City will not be removing the debris from that came from private property

One Corralitas Drive neighbor spent a month cramming debris into 3 large green bins a week, to clear storm debris from her hillside property.  

This is a fire hazard for the neighborhood.  Suck it up and pay someone to haul it away.  It's another cost of home ownership.  See LAFD Brush Clearance Unit for how to report this hazard. 

*UPDATE 1-20-12: Neighbors report the pile of debris was hauled away yesterday.