Friday, September 23, 2011

Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract: Back On The Market Again - REALLY?! **Updated

Photo: Diane Edwardson, January 21, 2011.  El Moran Street barricades at the Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract say it all.  Get a clue developers!  (Click on photo to enlarge.)

The Eastsider reports a day after the most recent developers of Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract held a meeting with the community at Taix Restaurant, they've put the 3-acre turkey back on the market.

Several of my neighbors and I attended last night's meeting.  the developers swore up and down that they were committed to building and completing this project and had the means to finish this project. 

After decades of failed development of the large lots in the neighborhood, and the countless times we've heard the same story from developers, this news comes as no surprise.  What is surprising is the speed with which it hit the market again - not even 24 hours.  These guys really did know what they were doing - they're getting out quickly. 

I have a hard time believing it was the community requesting they hold off on the tree removal permit application until they gained their building permits that caused them to reconsider building this project. 

**UPDATE September 24, 2011: Despite putting the property up for sale, the tree removal permit request is still on Wednesday's Board of Public Works Agenda, item #8.