Photo: Diane Edwardson, March 13, 2009. Italian Stone Pine (Pinus pinea) in the Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract. (Click on photo to enlarge.)
According to the developer's tree report, the tree pictured above and below, is an Italian Stone Pine (Pinus pinea) with a 38-inch trunk diameter. While it is non-native, it is considered a significant tree, having well more than an 8-inch diameter trunk. It is among the approximately 60 native and significant trees to be removed if the developer's plan gains final approvals. See earlier post: These Trees Don't Count
The City currently only requires replacing this giant tree with one tree that won't reach this size in our lifetimes. Last summer, we lost a much smaller Italian Stone Pine on the Red Car Property near India Street.
Photo: Diane Edwardson, November, 2004. One Italian Stone Pine takes up most of the width of the above photo. For scale, the woman in the photo is 6-feet tall. (Click on photo to enlarge.)
This month, we're taking a close-up view of the natural beauty of our neighborhood. All Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract photographs published on the Corralitas Red Car Property Blog in March 2009, are of plants growing on the 3 large lots destined for destruction, if a developer gains final approval of his proposed subdivision.