Friday, October 3, 2014

Red Car Property: At Least 2 Of 7 Dead Eucalyptus Cut Down Today

Photos: Diane Edwardson, October 3, 2014.  This morning I happened across a tree crew cutting down 2 of the remaining 7 dead Eucalyptus trees on the north end of the property.  (Click on photos to enlarge.)
It was the same licensed tree crew as had done the earlier work on the same trees several months ago.
We recently pointed out to the Red Car Property owner's rep that just the dead & dying Eucalyptus were not only a fire danger, but also a danger of falling in the rainy season.  The last 2 La Ninas were 2004-05 & 2010-2011.  We had record rain in '04-'05 & one storm in 2011 that dumped 7" or rain in one day on the neighborhood.
Photo: Diane Edwardson, October 3, 2014.  You do not need a permit to remove Eucalyptus trees.  You DO need a permit to remove protected native trees like California Black Walnut (the tree in the foreground shading the sun in above photo) and Coast Live Oak. 
Photo: Diane Edwardson, October 2, 2014.  The 2 trees were marked for removal a couple of weeks ago.  But not that very large dead Eucalyptus behind them.  The 2 trees were trimmed back in June.  Brush clearance has not yet been done on the northernmost lot of the Red Car Property either.