Thursday, June 12, 2014

Lot C: Feral TVs of The Red Car Property

Photo: Diane Edwardson, June 11, 2014.  People must be getting new TVs in time for the World Cup.  They've set their old TVs free to fend for themselves on the Red Car Property. (Click on photos to enlarge.)
Photo: Diane Edwardson, May 27, 2014.  According to a neighbor (who reported the TV & the other dumping to the City's  311 service) this one has been hiding behind the trashcans at India Street on Lot C for more almost 2 months now.

And really, if you're going to drive here to dump a TV drive a couple of exits north on the 5 Freeway to Colorado Blvd & drop it off at the LA Dept of Sanitation S.A.F.E. toxic & e-waste collection site, open Saturdays & Sundays 9AM - 3PM.  They even take it out of your car or truck for you. 

The City will not pick up TVs if you call them in for bulky item pick up.

Get the MyLA311 app for your smartphone.