Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract: Sound Of Chainsaws Again Today

Photo: Diane Edwardson, February 10, 2012.  The sound of chainsaws rang out from the Semi Tropic Spiritualists' Tract again today.  This morning, CD13 confirmed the Board of Public Works lifted the stop work order.   (Click on photos to enlarge.)

Read more: The Eastsider
Photo: Diane Edwardson, September 28, 2011.  All the protected California Black Walnut Trees in this photo were cut down by February 1, 2012Compare this to the first photo. 

As expected, since the City made the error in issuing the native tree removal permit prior to issuing grading and building permits for the 15 homes in the 16-lot subdivision, the City did not hold the developer responsible for cutting down the native trees.  (The non-native trees can be cut down without permits.) 

The developer was issued grading permits hastily on February 8, 2012, a week after all the native Black Walnuts in the above photo were cut down. They were supposed to have their grading and building permits in hand (paid for) prior to receiving their native tree removal permits.

The developer agreed to have a biologist on-site to monitor the nesting Red Tailed Hawks on the corner of Rosebud & Allesandro, 100' from the development site.  The Dept of Fish & Game will only step in once there is evidence of harm to eggs, babies or adults in the nest.  We will have to wait it out for the next few months as the habitat is destroyed by grading activities.  We usually don't see babies before late April or May.  The City has never enforced the City Standard Conditions with regard to nesting raptors.