Friday, October 21, 2011

Corralitas Drive: "Chicken Of The Woods"

Photo: Diane Edwardson, October 15, 2011.  An 18" wide, giant yellow fungus sprang from a tree root on Corralitas last week.  (Click on photo to enlarge.)

Since this fungus was spectacular, I did some research.  I checked for the associated tree, in this case: a Eucalyptus tree root.  Clicking on links for associated mushrooms, led me to, an expert site specializing in California mushrooms.  This mushroom is Laetiporus gilbertsonii, more commonly known as Sulfur Shelf or "Chicken of the Woods." 

From Stinkhorns to giant Puffballs, we've had some pretty extreme fungus in the neighborhood.  Click here for all our fungus posts.

Disclaimer: The Corralitas Red Car Property Blog prefers to quote reliable sources, such as Calflora and California Poison Control, on the issue of toxicity. We often get email suggesting some plants are edible. If you are eating your way through the Red Car Property, we DO NOT recommend you eat any plant you find in the Red Car Property neighborhood without first doing your own research.