Sunday, May 17, 2015

Roselin Public Staircase: First Cooper's Hawk Photo of 2015

Photo: Diane Edwardson, May 17, 2015.  The Cooper's Hawk has a long horizontally striped tail, small head and beak.  They are a "forest hawk," flying through the dense trees to hunt birds as their primary prey.  (Click on photos to enlarge.)

While walking the Red Car Property near India St, I heard the annoyed, dive-bombing calls of mockingbirds threatening a predator.  I watched to see where they were focused and saw a hawk way up in a tree near the top of the Roselin Public Staircase.
Photo: Diane Edwardson, May 17, 2015.  Red arrow is pointing to the Cooper's Hawk in the tree. When I shot these photos, I had no idea it was a Cooper's Hawk.  I thought it was a Red Tailed Hawk, because it seemed kind of large for a Cooper's.  However, we do have some large Cooper's Hawks around the Red Car Property.

I've often heard Cooper's Hawks in the dense trees at the top of Roselin.  I've also seen them raiding birds' nests on Riverside Place, then retreating up to the trees on Roselin. 
Photo: Diane Edwardson, May 17, 2015. I only noticed it was a Cooper's Hawk while I editing the day's photos.  Cooper's Hawks are not yet endangered, but their presence triggers extra environmental review and mitigations in development applications under CEQA. 

Click here for all our Cooper's Hawk posts.  

Learn more about Cooper's Hawks: Cornell Lab of Ornithology